Friday, July 20, 2007

A simple casual smile, just one can really change someones day. Now I seek how to do this. To make someone laugh, to go out of my way to make someone happy. Not for my sake or for fame, but for God's glory. Recently I have realized how important it is to pray for God's glory to shine on my life. As Christians we should be mirrors reflecting his love from ourselves to the people around us. Yes, we are all selfish in some way or another, but by his grace we can shed off that skin. Even if we have to shed it everyday, it is possible to become selfless.
I have been reading in Philippians and I have been amazed at how strong Paul was while he was living in the worst conditions. Despite the mess he was in, he still rejoiced in the Lord. With chains around his body, he still wrote with love to the people in Philippi. Building them up and praying for them. He was in chains, he was in a disgusting jail cell, yet he rejoiced and saw that the Lord would take care of him no matter what.
Even if we are having a horrible day, or just not in the mood, we should still be patient and tender with each other. We should look at Paul and see a man of God who is grateful for the little that he had.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

“Life is short so make the best of it…”

A 15 year boy named Austin was found dead in a harbor in Mexico this morning around 8:15. He was from Lexington, SC and went to Lexington Presbyterian Church. He was knocked by a large wave and then sucked under from undertow. I can only imagine the feeling his family is dealing with right now. The rush they once had of the search is now over and they have seen there son who is now with the Lord. It’s a shame. A child shouldn’t be buried before their parents. I can’t imagine what I would do if that was a loved one of mine. 15 and now deceased, never to find love, never to have a child, never to breath another last breath again. Isn’t life precious? Yet we feel as if we are invincible and we scream and curse at the person who is driving like a “fool” in front of us. Don’t they have loved ones? Shouldn’t we love them. Don’t we want to be loved? Do we take the love that we give and receive for granted? I think we are all victims of patterns? Do we just adjust and forget what matters. I believe we do. We should embrace the imperfect love that we can give each other. We should also embrace the perfect love that is around us always.